Annwyn Avalon's Water Witchcraft: Magic and Lore from the Celtic Tradition is a thorough and brilliant resource for witches of all walks of life; from beginners to those well versed in witchcraft.
I was very excited to get this book in a witchy Humble Bumble deal a couple of months ago. Humble Bumble of all places! I have been working with Aphrodite for over a year now, and as such, I was drawn to this book to learn more about the element of water, and ways that I can incorporate the element into my craft.
I was not let down. It explores all aspects of water witchery, including working with streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, wells, canals, rain, snow, steam, etc.
The book does keep in mind that bodies of water are not always accessible to everyone, and so there is a large amount of information on how to work with water just being your average person in the city. I appreciate that as I am in the city myself, and don’t always have the ability to seek out a natural source of water.
There are also many folklore stories and stories of different water spirits, how to work with them, and many exercises to connect, protect, banish, and curse. The amount of information in this book was outstanding, and I will hold it as a valuable resource to go back and look up information. There are details of items such as various sea shells and what they are traditionally used for, as example, and even though I did hold a lot of information before reading this book, I learned a lot!
I would especially draw attention to the exercises in the book, such as meditations, spells, rituals, etc. The author breaks down different exercises to do during different times of the year, moon phases, phases of the tide, etc.
5/5 Magic Fae Shrooms!